On Tuesday Night

On Tuesday night, an explosion happened.
In my heart.

A combustion of so much.

Mourning filled my heart.
Mourning for the country I know and love.
Mourning for condition of our heart.

Longing filled my heart.
Longing with my forefathers for a land free from tyranny, depravity, and persecution.
Longing for a wide and spacious land where freedom flows like milk and justice as honey.
But where else can I go? There is no other undiscovered land of promise.
My country, ’tis of thee, Sweet Land of liberty was the last place to stand.

Resolve filled my heart.
Resolve that I cannot give up. I can never give up.
I will fight for America. I will fight for righteousness, justice, and truth to fill our land again.
I will stand with the resolve of Wilberforce– and fight though it may cost my whole life.

Aching filled my heart. A heavenly ache.
Soon, oh so soon, I will be with Him!
Trying hard to focus on the task ahead but my heart will always be caught up with Him.
Just a little while longer, Jesus! Just a little while!
Hasten the day!

2 thoughts on “On Tuesday Night

  1. Honey, we will never give up, we will win. Times may get difficult, but we will battle for the causes of our forefathers. America will not be lost to politicians. Great article honey.

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