

As a twenty-something, the last ten years have been filled with a great pressure to figure out where I’m going in life. Confusion, uncertainty, and indecision have been constant companions. Or rather constant tormentors.

I’m sure you can all relate. There’s a feeling deep inside that assures you, persuades you that you are meant to accomplish something great. While road tripping through miles and mile of wheat fields in the Plains, watching a favorite epic on the big screen, or hearing that piece of music that always gets you, you are convinced again and again that you are meant for something special. Glory and zeal fill your heart. You write in your journal and dream big dreams. You’re chomping at the bit to bust these starting gates.

And then- despair.

You have no idea which race you’re supposed to run.

You give up in defeat, telling yourself you must have missed your cue. You wait for the next inspiration, the next “revelation” of what it is you’re supposed to do.

And so goes this cycle, again and again. Never really falling behind but never really getting ahead. The pure definition of frustration.

As someone who was at this stuck place for years and years, my heart aches to help you. I don’t have all the answers, I don’t know it all. But I do know what has brought freedom and rest to my striving heart.

Look at Him.

We make it so complicated. But God is simple. He says,

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.” Ps. 32:8

To know our way, we can’t be looking up, down, all around. We can’t be captivated by our own desires or the confusion and fear we feel. There’s only one place we will find direction.

In the gaze of His eyes.

We can’t see where we’re going if we’re looking everywhere else. We have to look at Him.

So today, dear friends, remember His eyes. Take time to make “eye contact” with Him, letting the gaze of your soul fall upon His gaze. And He will indeed guide you with His eye.

6 thoughts on “Look

  1. love it! I was reading in Isaiah 30:21 ” And your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way; walk in it, when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left. “

  2. Well said Elyce-you wrote what I think so many of us feel along the way. May we do all the “good works that He has prepared for us in advance to do!”

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