The Best Day

Reflection and I have been hanging out lately. After a glorious but whirlwind summer, I find myself with questions. Questions on eternity, my life’s purpose, time, and what makes a fruitful life. The exercise of writing out your fantasy best day was suggested, as a way to articulate desires and values and what’s most important. I gave it a go.

My best day is less flash and glam that I thought it’d be. When I really thought about my best day, I was surprised at how ordinary it is, how attainable it is, how often elements of it already show up in my life. Here’s a peek:

– Wake up rested but early, in quiet.
– Be alone and have amazing quiet time with God, enveloped in His love, secure in Him and His plans for me and for eternity.
– Stretch.
– Drink a yummy green smoothie while reading a book.
– Write outdoors overlooking a stunning mountain view, in quiet. Maybe Mark Isham music is playing in the background.
Then the rest of the family wakes up and we snuggle before eating a yummy breakfast together.
– Head out on an adventure together- Josh and I have deep conversations the whole drive. We see a castle, an ancient battle site, or glorious mountain pass. 

– We meet Jesus for lunch (in the flesh). 🙂 
– He comes with us for the rest of the afternoon, as we adventure some more and revel in this world’s wonder. 
– I find a quiet moment to sit under a tree, or overlook a mountain valley, or consider a singing sparrow. I pull out my leather journal and write a quick page on the glory of our world, the lessons God has hidden in it for us to find, how everything ties back to our Father. I dog-ear the page as a reminder to share it with the artists & silence and solitude groups I lead back home. And to chew over how it might fit in the chapter I am currently writing.
– Even the best day comes to an end. After a delicious meal, we head slowly back home, winding through the mountains. We get home, tuck our girls all cozy into bed, and Josh and I head out doors to gaze at the silent stars in wonder. The still night air enfolds us while we talk about Jesus some more, our day, life, adventure. (Jesus stayed at the restaurant to visit with some friends He hadn’t seen in a while. 🙂 )
– Sleep sweet

Looking over my notes, themes become very apparent. Quiet, rest, peace and health (spirit, soul, and body), Jesus, thinking/alone time, the people I love most, outdoors/nature/beauty, adventure/travel, and observing lessons God has hidden in this world and then sharing them with others (I now see that I need so much quiet and alone time because His voice can be still and it takes intention to listen!). This exercise is so helpful because it helps me to see what all the parts are that make my life whole. And it explains while I feel like I am running on empty or despairing when these elements aren’t making up my days.

Fascinating. 🙂

I’d love for you to write down your best day and share what you discover. I think you’ll find it a very helpful exercise!

Love, e

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